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Space Availability - Group Study Rooms

Online Reservation Procedure

  1. Online reservations must be made at least 2 hours before occupancy. Contact library personnel at the front desk or via phone (864-231-2050) to make a reservation within the two-hour window.
  2. Select the date on the calendar for when you want to reserve the room. Bookings can be made up to 8 weeks in advance. Special permission* is required for:
    • Multiple daily reservations
    • Individual use (for example: online meeting, testing session)
    • Groups or individuals that do not have active AU email addresses
  3. Select the Time Slots next to the room that you want to reserve (up to 3 hours at one time). Green means available. Red means unavailable. Orange slots are the ones you have selected. Then click on Submit Times at bottom of screen.
  4. Fill in the required information (include a valid AU email address) and click Submit My Booking Times. A library staff member will confirm the reservation by email ASAP.
  5. Reservations will be posted in the window of each study room.

NoteStudy rooms are also available at the Anderson Main Library on 300 N. McDuffie St. (1.4 miles from the AU main campus). All AU residential students are eligible to obtain an Anderson County Library card and reserve/use their meeting/study rooms.


Group Study Rooms: Rules of Use

  • Unoccupied study rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. Priority will be given to groups of AU students that can meet at least half the capacity of the requested room. 
  • Online reservations must be made at least 2 hours before occupancy. Contact library personnel at the front desk or via phone (864-231-2050) to make a reservation within the two-hour window.
  • An individual or duo may use an unoccupied study room but must vacate it during posted reserved times or when a group arrives that meets the half-capacity requirement.
  • Rooms will be reassigned if not claimed within 15 minutes of the reservation.
  • Users must comply with all library and university rules.
  • The rooms are not soundproof - please keep noise to a minimum so as not to disturb others.
  • Prior to vacating the room: clear off tables, remove all personal items, push in chairs, and turn off the lights.
   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding